Activating brands to capitalize on where the consumer, culture, and marketplace are headed.

Let me accelerate your thinking.

Contextualizing Change > Identifying Opportunities > Unlocking Solutions

  • I've tackled big questions on behalf of leading brands.

    (Click Through For A Selection)

  • What core services will we offer if the credit card is disrupted by the emerging digital economy?

    American Express

  • How can we use digital technology and service design to empower our low-income consumers in-store and online?

    Walmart Mexico

  • What are the emerging needs around energy at both the consumer and infrastructure levels?


  • How are consumer attitudes changing towards safety, privacy, and security as always-on, digital products and services enter their homes?


  • How are people’s consumption habits changing in an increasingly fractured media landscape and how does that impact our marketing strategy?


  • How do families use technology to manage their day-to-day lives and what will that mean for the design of our digital ecosystem?


  • What defines a best-in-class vehicle ownership experience and how do we create ongoing value for our customers?


  • How do we recognize and reward our most loyal fans and customers and activate them in new ways?


  • How do people find and define communities and what are the new passion points and occasions we can use to connect with them?


  • What does play look like in a digitally-connected landscape and how does that impact our product roadmap and experience offerings?


  • What are the emerging consumer needs at the intersection of wellness, technology, dining, and travel and how does that impact our F&B and service offerings?


  • How can we effectively harness real-time data to streamline our preparation and response to humanitarian crises?

    UN Global Pulse

  • What's the new path to purchase for vehicle shoppers and how do we meaningfully engage at every stage?


I’ve had the opportunity to partner with an amazing roster of clients.

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